Virtual Annual General Meeting

Notice of Virtual Annual General Meeting (VAGM)

February 5, 2022

1 PM - 3 PM



To Register, Follow this Link Below:



Please note, to attend the VAGM eligible members must pre-register no later than 11:00AM Saturday, January 30. 2022

 The Zoom address and instructions will be forwarded to eligible registrants prior to the meeting.



1. Call to Order by President Jason Stajkowski

2. Singing of the National Anthem

3. Approval of agenda

4. Approval of last year’s minutes

5. Candidate of Record, Tamara Kronis

6. The Presidents Report, Jason Stajkowski

7. Financial Report, Cindy Bartlett

8. Appoint an Auditor

9. Election of Directors

11. Review the Code of Conduct for Volunteers, EDA Staff and Campaign Staff

13. Other business as required / motions from the floor

14. Motion to adjourn

In order to vote or stand for election to the Board of Directors, you must hold a valid Conservative Party of Canada membership twenty-one (21) days prior (by January 15, 2022) to the VAGM.

If your membership has lapsed you will need to renew it by this date. Please visit the website and follow the steps to renew your membership online. You can also call the National Conservative Service Desk for assistance at 1-866-808-8407.

If you wish to nominate another member in good standing for the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Board of Directors please e-mail the nominee’s name, e-mail address and phone number to [email protected] no later than 1:00 PM, Thursday, February 3, 2022. In order to nominate someone you must be a member in good standing of the Nanaimo-Ladysmith EDA and registered for the VAGM.

Traditional Nominations from the floor will not be permitted

A complete list of standing directors/directors for nomination will be provided prior to meeting

An election will only be held if there are more than 30 nominees for the 30 vacant positions at the time nominations close, in which case online voting instructions will be sent to members.

Names of any further nominees will be provided to the members with the voting instructions.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we establish new ways of doing business during these extraordinary times.


If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected] .


We look forward to seeing you on-line!

Nanaimo Ladysmith Conservative EDA

PO Box 781 Nanaimo A, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5M2,

February 05, 2022 1:00 PM